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Looking Back


I had some time to reflect during my weekend business trip to the UBAM national convention and I wanted to share my thoughts with you. Forgive the length 📖 🤷‍♀️

I know 2020 was a rough one, but it finally feels like we are getting back to a more "normal" life again🎉. While our national convention was still virtual 📺, I had the pleasure of gathering with a few other book ladies in Raleigh to watch the presentations and collaborate over our businesses. It feels good to start working towards thriving again💃 instead of just "surviving" through the pandemic😷.... Anyone with me here?

Here is what I realized...

I joined the business for the books for my family📚, but I have impacted literacy in my community and across the country.

I joined the business for me (I needed something that was "mine" outside of being a SAHM🥰), but I didn't know I would be earning national recognition for the work I'm doing 🏆.

I joined the business for a little extra cash 💰, but I didn't know how much this extra could do for our family (hello pool membership 🏊).

I joined as an Independent Consultant, but I didn't know the support I would receive or the community I would find here in this group and within a group of fellow book ladies that I could call friends 💑.

Having this community and this outlet was a highlight of my 2020 (and is continuing to be so in 2021). They celebrated the highs and helped me through the lows, and I'm so thankful for them (and you) and this book boss gig 🥰.

If you are ready to start thriving again, I would love for you to join me in this amazing business. Right now, UBAM is offering a new consultant kit for just $29, and it comes with a $30 book credit 😲. Click here to get started!


Text: 336-281-9811

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